Tuesday 2 August 2016

New Blog!

I've decided to create a blog for my road to fitness and record my thoughts on various ideas, apps and techniques I try along the way. Mostly because I have a terrible memory but hopefully it will help someone else along the way!

I was reasonably fit in my late teens/early twenties but life and an office job meant I put on a load of weight and basically became totally sedentary. It wasn't until my late thirties that I decided to do something about it. Exercise was, initially, an aside to losing weight. I wanted to be less-fat but I enjoyed eating, so exercise was a way to burn some calories that I could then eat!

3 years later, through a combination of calorie-counting and exercise, I achieved my goal of losing 38kg (about 6 stone, or 84 pounds) and started working on fitness instead. Along the way I discovered motivation in achieving goals and that exercise had significant benefits for my mental health. This year I have set myself the goal of running 1000km in a year which, given my total lack of exercise 4 years ago, is a huge goal for me

My daily motivation mostly came from gamifying fitness using fitness apps on my phone. I plan to post reviews and try out new apps to keep me motivated and hopefully provide some useful information along the way. If this inspires just one person then that is a goal worth achieving :)